Drunktweets Mini-Book

I'm pleased to announce a brand new mini-book of my "#drunktweet" paintings! This 28 page booklet reproduces some of my favorite boozy birds so far in their actual 3x3" size. Each book is printed and hand-assembled in my home studio. 

Drunktweets Mini-Book $4 on Etsy (+$2 shipping within the US)


I'll be taking the books and the original #drunktweet paintings to the APE Expo this Saturday and Sunday in San Francisco to unleash on the masses. If you're interested in an original 3x3" #drunktweet painting, get yours on Etsy before I take them down on Saturday.

"#drunktweet" one-of-a-kind 3x3" paintings on Etsy - $35 each (free shipping within the US)