Renegade, Gallery 1988 and Comic Con!

Wig Out! Get Your Nerd On! - Nerds!Hey, I'm back from a crazy getaway to Los Angeles. I went partly to get my nerd on with my pals at Bordello for "Wig Out! Get Your Nerd On!". At left is a picture of me and my collegues. Bay Area nerd-rockers "Three Day Stubble" performed and they were amazing as always.

I also talked myself into trying out for Bravo's new reality competition show, "Untitled Art Project". I didn't make the cut but it was an interesting experience and I met some nice artists in the queue. I was #136 in line and enjoyed lenthy discussions about Karate Kid, Iron Maiden, and heat exhaustion with Robyn (#135) and Amy (#137). Good luck out there ladies, wherever you are.

This has definitely been the busiest summer on record for me. This month is halfway over but there's still so much left to do. Next of the list is "The Renegade Craft Fair" at Fort Mason center. Here's the info along with my original calendar posting:


I'll be tabling at the annual Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco at the historic Fort Mason Center. Working the booth along-side me will be "the Terror of the Carolinas" and creator of ONION HEAD MONSTER, Paul Friedrich. Please come to the event and support your favorite artists and craftspersons from all over. It's a great little primer for Comic Con, which happens the following week (sweet lord). Anyway, here's the infos and links:
JULY 18th -19th
11am – 7pm
Fort Mason Center Festival Pavilion
San Francisco, CA


And then on Friday, July 24th I'll be at Gallery 1988 SF for their "Beasts of the Bay" exhibit. Here's that information along with the original calendar posting:

 I'll be showing alongside many San Francisco up-and-comers for Gallery 1988's "Beasts from the Bay" group exhibition. I'll be debuting my new "SPEAKS WITH HANDS" series of paintings on wood. Please come by to check out Gallery 1988's massive space and wallow fresh new art from the Bay.

Friday, July 24th from 7-10pm
Gallery1988 San Francisco
1173 Sutter St. (b/t Polk and Larkin)
San Francisco, CA 94109




THEN I'm swimming downstream to Comic Con Int'l to make the annual tranformation from Nerd to Dork. This will be the first year in many that I won't be attached to a table. I know I've made this claim in the past and somehow ended up with a table, but this time it's for reals. I plan on twittering the whole thing, so follow me if you want to keep updated. I will be guest sketching at the Sketch Theatre booth sometime late on Sunday. Please come by and watch me draw.