Year in Pics, 2013

Well, that was fast! It's dark around 5pm now and all I crave is fudge and spiced wine. That can only mean that it's December again, which also means it's time for my annual Year in Review! 2013 was a big one, filled with travel and art. I met many of you this year, and I hope to stay in touch with you going into 2014.
Here's a link to a Flickr set with some of my favorite moments of 2013. Listed below are some highlights.



I turned 36 in January, which is only crazy in that I remember when my mom turned 36, because I was graduating high-school! So, drinking happened. I finished off my run of 200 Slimer whiteboard drawings, met a real-life astronaut while tabling Emerald City Comic Con and exhibited at a tarot card themed show in San Francisco.


Spring and Summer was a big deal! I spent a month in Europe, showing artwork in Monochrom's 20th Anniversary show and creating a mural in the Austrian countryside. It was an incredible experience. Here are some Vine videos from the trip. I started a temp job when I got back and developed an obsession with the San Francisco F-Line train.


I found my true calling as a pigeon, nerded out with my new button machine, and also managed a trip back to Michigan to spend some time with family. Time was spent at diners and bowling alleys. My artwork was also part of the Laughing Squid Quarterly mailing, which was really cool.


This Fall I exhibited at APE and Barbot in San Francisco, and then Comikaze Expo and DesignerCon in LA. I met a lot of great people and reconnected with old friends. I also started a series of drunk Twitter bird paintings and sketches that I'm calling "Drunktweets". Maybe you've heard of them.


Here Comes 2014!
Right, so Christmas is soon and I'll be flying back to Michigan to be with the Ellingson clan. We go kind of nuts for Christmas and I'm looking forward to that. Then, it's my birthday again and more drinking. But look out for more posts about art events soon! I'll be exhibiting at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle and Wondercon in LA. Beyond that, it's a magical mystery. I'm sure I'll obsess more over the F-Line, art will be made, food will be burnt. Please stay in touch. Follow me on InstagramTwitter, and the Facebook.

As always, prints of my artwork art available for sale at my website here:
Handmade things like the Drunktweets and buttons are available on Etsy here:
Use the code YEAREND13 for 20% any purchase through December 31st 2013
(works for both Etsy stuff and my prints.)

*Due to travel, all orders will ship after January 6th, 2014

Photos from Wondercon 2013