ABSURDUM, a Web Comic

I've been working on some comics under the title, ABSURDUM. The first story is called "Companionship" and the plan was to tell it in three parts. However, I would like to keep going with it, so stay tuned for that. I've been posting my comics on Patreon,a site that let's people support artists at a monthly donation of their choosing.

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Octopus Art for Sensel

Sensel commissioned me to create artwork for the reception area of their office. They liked my octopus drawings and requested one that would work with their colors...

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P-Funk Show at Meltdown LA, July 29th - Aug 7th

I've got artwork in a P-Funk show in LA! If you can get to Meltdown Comics sometime between July 29th and August 7th, you're in for a treat. Dozens of artists created tributes to their favorite Parliment/Funkadelic records. 

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Francis The Terrier Patch

I was reading about the Great Earthquake and Fire of 1906 in San Francisco and learned about celebrity-pet, Francis the Terrier. He became a symbol of rebirth and hope when he emerged from the rubble of the St. Francis Hotel five days after the disaster...

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History of The Manzanita Comic-Strips

One of my favorite things about contract illustration is that I never know what kind of job will pop up next. Sometimes it's a giant mural in a workshop full of creative geniuses. Sometimes it's a tshirt for a robotics company. This time around, it was a series of comic strips about the history of a native California bush.

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